Looking for an Author Talk for an adult group? Let’s talk! I’ve spoken at Teacher’s, Literacy, Writing, and Library Conferences, on the topics of Publishing, Conservation, Literacy and Teaching. I’d love to speak at your event!
Selected talks listed below:
“My Journey, Picture Books, and How One Thing Leads to Another.” Literacy Event, Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Education Department, 2017.
“Elephants as Keystones ~ Sharing the Message.” Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, World Elephant Day, 2017.
“A Writer’s Life: How Authors Become Authors and Books Become Books.” Ohio University, Children’s Literature Class, 2015.
“Author Visits.” Northern Ohio SCBWI Annual Conference, 2013.
“Make It Fun! Using Puzzles to Engage, Teach, and Reinforce Learning,” Dublin Literacy Conference, 2012.
“Critique Groups.” Central Ohio Writers of Literature for Children, 2007.
“Connecting with Authors Long-Distance.” Michigan Association for Media in Education Conference, 2006.
Panel Discussion: “Why I Write Picture Books.” Ohio Educational Library Media Association Annual Conference, 2016
“Writing Around the Fire: Making Nonfiction Come Alive.” Ohio Educational Library Media Association Annual Conference, 2016.
“Reaching Children with the Conservation Message through Books.” Elephant Manager’s Annual Conference, 2017.